Corporate Responsibility / Community

Active In Helping Our Communities Thrive

Pretium and our operating companies build forward-thinking partnerships to support, build capacity, and grow relationships with community institutions.


Pretium’s employees and investments serve hundreds of thousands of families, entrepreneurs, businesses, and communities right where they live and work. More than 7,000 professionals are employed by Pretium and our operating businesses, include employees across 50 global offices. Our business increases housing access in neighborhoods of choice, extends credit to entrepreneurs investing in housing infrastructure in their communities, and supports credit solutions for well-known companies and brands.

Corporate and Employee Philanthropy

In 2023, Pretium and its operating and portfolio companies donated to more than 25 organizations that serve a diverse range of missions. We also support corporate-sponsored and employee-driven volunteering efforts. Pretium further expanded the scope of giving as our matching gifts program matched employee donations to 86 eligible 501(c)(3) organizations in the 2023 calendar year as well as provided employees with two (2) days of Volunteer Time-Off to give time to the organizations that mean the most to our employees.

Affordable Housing

A family’s home and the community around it are focal points for access to social capital and upward social mobility. The work of Harvard economist Raj Chetty suggests that the neighborhood in which a child grows up has substantial causal effect on their prospect of upward mobility. Our single-family rentals provide housing options to working and low-income families, including to more than 2500 Housing Choice Voucher families, in communities with different opportunity sets than other rental options.

Our sustainability strategy extends to supporting communities and community-based groups in markets in which we operate through strategic charitable partnerships. In 2022, we launched a charitable strategy with two affordable housing nonprofits focused on promoting homeownership in our major markets: Housing Partnership Network works to increase affordable homeownership supply through innovative consortium projects with their nonprofit developer members across the country and Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership is a community-based nonprofit focused on affordable rentals and homeownership opportunities in metro Atlanta through innovative financing structures.

Environmental Impact

Pretium is committed to supporting environmental sustainability practices in our residences, construction, and offices. This commitment includes a wide range of initiatives, including renovation of existing housing stock along with investing in energy efficient new single family homes, upgrading technology that allows residents to more efficiently manage their energy use, and more active benchmarking our ESG data. Through 2023, Pretium has invested in more than 2,100 homes with building certifications or energy ratings. We’ve expanded our energy saver and solar home pilot programs. And 99% of new construction investments are with builders with environmental programs.

Pretium is deeply committed to supporting the local community through active employee participation in volunteer events and philanthropy programs. By dedicating our time and resources, we believe these efforts could make a positive impact and strengthen the bonds within our community.”
Frank Yu

Managing Director, Finance

State of Impact & Sustainability Report