Corporate Responsibility

Pretium’s Second State of Impact & Sustainability Report

The past year of our environmental, social, and governance journey features milestones for Pretium and our operating companies.

2023 Impact & Sustainability Report

Key highlights

Maturing Impact & Sustainability integration into residential strategy and expansion into additional investment strategies and operations:

2022 Achievements

Renovated 18,209 homes at $37,692 per home for total investment of $686.3M1*

Invested in INNOVATIVE RESI-TECH COMPANIES, including $6.5M in minority- or women- owned startups**

Invested over $300M in build-to-rent assets and delivered 836 new-construction homes in 18 MARKETS


Partnered with 114 housing authorities to house 1,429 lower-income families2*

Reported positive rent payments for 156,529 residents, establishing 147 first-time credit scores (Esusu)3*

Launched PRIDE AT PRETIUM, an employee resource group**

Expended $7.5M in Hurricane Ian reconstruction4*

Ethnic and Gender Diversity of Pretium fund manager SENIOR LEADERSHIP increased

Engaged in 22,650 minutes of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training in 2022 with Translator5**


Launched LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT to serve the Pretium ecosystem**

Won MILITARY FRIENDLY® AWARD for a second year in a row**


Provided $17.96M in rent forgiveness to 3,000+ families*


1 *Progress Residential; **Pretium

2 Housing authorities number as of February 2023; lower-income families as of March 2023.

3 Esusu impact data as of January 2023.

4 As of February 2023.

5 Translator is a DEI training and analytics company.

Social Impact

We strive to provide choice to families in the rental market and to support their journey of economic mobility and wealth building. Single-family homes are typically in less dense neighborhoods, with more accessible green space and more square footage to accommodate larger households, than other types of rental housing. Many of our homes are in a homeowners association subdivision and may have access to better schools than the local renter market options.

By taking a social lens to our homes and seeking to drive capital to all areas of the housing market, we focus on improving resident experiences and promoting economic mobility, a concept we take very seriously. We focus on the safety of our neighborhoods and on providing working families and vulnerable families new opportunities in differentiated neighborhoods.

Our approach, our homes

A family’s home and the community around it are focal points for access to social capital and the delivery point for programs to promote upward social mobility.

We strive to serve vulnerable families

In 2021, a group of Housing Choice Voucher homes joined our portfolio. Since then, we have been working to expand our footprint in the federal program through engagement and partnership with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the ~100 local public housing authority partners that administer the program.

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