Corporate Responsibility / Impact & Sustainability

A Resident- and Community-Centric Approach

June 13, 2022

Our Impact & Sustainability Policy and Commitments

The Firm believes systematic integration of Impact & Sustainability considerations into investment and ownership is the next step and that this will help the Firm’s decision-making and ultimately enhance value for our investors.

We believe developing Impact & Sustainability systems around our investments and adjacent strategies will be key to navigating existing and future risks and opportunities. We are excited about this future.

Our Principles

The following Impact & Sustainability principles will guide our approach to new investments and existing ownership across our investment strategies, ownership, and operations

  • Regularly engaging stakeholders on Impact & Sustainability.
  • Defining stakeholders as investors, employees, regulators, consumers, and communities in which we operate.
  • Tasking our leaders to drive assessment of material Impact & Sustainability factors across our strategies.
  • Systematically incorporating Impact & Sustainability considerations and solutions in our investments, ownership, and business operations from top to bottom.
  • Avoiding strategies that cause significant harm environmentally and/or socially.
  • Developing methods to disclose, benchmark, review, and improve on our Impact & Sustainability strategies year over year.
  • Embracing a leadership role in Impact & Sustainability within our relevant industries.

Impact & Sustainability Leadership

Our Impact & Sustainability program is guided by our Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Don Mullen, who is responsible for setting our overall strategic direction.

The Impact & Sustainability program is overseen and implemented by an Impact & Sustainability committee, which is composed of senior executives representing our various business units. We also have a dedicated Impact & Sustainability Senior Leader, Tatiana Gutierrez, who helps guide the strategy. Read our Impact & Sustainability Policy and Commitments, which were developed and adopted in 2022.

Pretium’s Third Impact Report

The past year of our Impact & Sustainability journey features milestones for Pretium and our operating companies.

Our sustainability and impact initiatives are designed to strengthen communities in which we operate, supporting residents on the path to wealth building and addressing the housing shortage, while we work to promote an inclusive culture across our ecosystem. Sustainability is good business.”
Tatiana Gutierrez

Managing Director, Corporate Affairs

Our Community

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